805 663 6145
The new (old) method of healing. Love and safety, combined.
Advanced group healing methods applied with compassion in a stimulating environment. The cure for enduring trauma.
What if Angels ran 5150 programs?
Hard truths. Examining hatred for the unhoused and the hate-groups that drive it. Working toward hate-crime protections for our most vulnerable.
Helping California explain where all the homeless money went, because they 'forgot' to track it. Exposing developer scams and general chicanery.
Advancing and augmenting 'Housing First' concepts.
Proposing low-cost, immediate solutions.
An open discussion of why and how in-patient mental facilities are so rife with abuse, and why Big Shrink so consistently fails.
Toward nationwide legalization, encouraging a movement toward microdose technologies.
The music project. Applying Godly melodies to modern beats. Writing new songs of praise. Turning the hard trap beat against the enemy.
Bringing the fight to the Enemy. Sharing secrets, winning The Game. Hard-core truth-telling. Online or on-location.
Not for the uninitiated.
Wait...no! it's FOR the uninitiated! But you gotta toughen up some
THE PARADISE GAME on instagram
An overview of the only game that matters. Strategies for managing special knowledge.
archives: https://nextdoor.com/g/pnnrwvynz
A spiritual journey from Las Vegas to Ventura County, mostly on foot. Tales of the supernatural.
archives: https://nextdoor.com/g/1qyovv6pi
Well, of course it is. The main goal is to encourage the uncommitted reader to think harder about the Big Picture, and possibly encourage Christians to appreciate and apply their power in service to our Father, and become warriors.
Never forget how much your Father, your DAD, loves you. YOU can do anything, in His name. You can do everything.
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